How to relocate to Dubai for permanent residency in 2024?

 How to relocate to Dubai for permanent residency in 2024?

Dubai, one of the seven emirates of the UAE, has over the years solidified its reputation as an outstanding place for permanent residency. The main reasons for relocating include high quality of life, stable economy, safety, and developed infrastructure.

In 2024, significant changes were made to the country's legislation concerning the process of relocating to the UAE and obtaining the right to permanent residency. These amendments aim to further simplify the procedures for foreigners wishing to immigrate to Dubai and reflect the emirate's ambition to attract highly skilled professionals and investors. In the article "Dubai's Golden Visa: Updated Conditions for Investors in the Real Estate Sector," we have already discussed some of these updates.

Step 1: Preparing for Permanent Residency Relocation to the UAE

Visa Policy Basics

How to move to the UAE? First and foremost, you need to obtain a residency visa - permission for long-term residence in the country.

  • There are several methods to obtain residency status in the UAE:
  • Register your own business in the Emirates.
  • Secure employment.
  • Apply for a license for freelance activities in Dubai or another Emirate.
  • Enroll in a college or university.
  • Qualify for an Investor Visa by purchasing property worth from 750,000 dirhams.
  • Apply for a Golden or Green Visa.
  • Apply for a Retirement Visa.

Updated requirements for the Dubai PR visa for 2024

The UAE visa policy is constantly evolving. One of the significant innovations is the introduction of the "Green Visa", providing long-term stay for highly qualified specialists, investors, and entrepreneurs.

In 2024, Dubai introduced a series of updates to its visa system aimed at attracting highly qualified specialists and investors.

Key changes:

  • A new "Green Visa" has been introduced, allowing residents to live and work in Dubai without a sponsor/employer.
  • The list of professions eligible for the Green Visa has been expanded.
  • The minimum salary requirements for some categories of specialists have been lowered.
  • A new "Golden Visa" for investors, entrepreneurs, and exceptional talents has been introduced.
  • The visa application process has been simplified.

Requirements for the "Green Visa":

  • A valid employment contract with a salary of no less than AED 15,000 (US$ 4,084) per month.
  • A bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience.
  • A criminal record certificate.
  • A medical certificate.

Requirements for the "Golden Visa":

  • Investments in real estate worth at least AED 2 million (US$ 544,500).
  • Establishing a business in Dubai.
  • Achievements in the field of science, art, sports, or other areas.

Visa application process:

  • Register on the website of the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA).
  • Fill out the online application.
  • Provide the necessary documents.
  • Pay the visa fee.

List of required documents.

Obtaining a permanent residency (PR) visa in Dubai, UAE, involves participating in one of the programs. Depending on the chosen program, the list of required documents may vary. Below is a general list of documents that may be required for applying for a PR visa in the UAE:

  1. A completed and signed PR visa application.
  2. A valid passport with a validity of at least 6 months at the time of application.
  3. Photo.
  4. Financial documents proving sufficient funds for living in the UAE. This may include bank statements, proof of income, or proof of investments.
  5. Investment documents (for investors) - property documents, business, or other investments in the UAE.
  6. A medical examination confirming the absence of infectious diseases. Usually, a medical examination is required at an accredited center in the UAE.
  7. A certificate of no criminal record, which can be obtained from the country of origin or the country of permanent residence of the applicant.
  8. Education documents (for highly qualified specialists and specialists in certain fields).
  9. A business plan (for entrepreneurs) describing the proposed activity in the UAE.
  10. Health certificate and health insurance covering the period of stay in the UAE.
  11. Family documents if you plan to move with your family, including marriage certificates and children's birth certificates.
  12. For student visas - a letter from an educational institution in the UAE confirming enrollment.

Visa validity:

The "Green Visa" is valid for 5 years and can be renewed.

The "Golden Visa" is valid for 10 years and can be renewed.

Financial Planning

Moving to the UAE for permanent residency requires thorough planning and an understanding of life in the UAE. Let's discuss how to move to Dubai for permanent residency, evaluate the cost of moving and living, and offer advice on financial preparation and budget management.

Cost of moving estimate:

  • Air tickets: The cost of tickets will depend on the airline, time of year, and class of service.
  • Visa: The cost of the visa depends on the type of visa and its validity.
  • Medical insurance.
  • Housing: Renting or buying a home is one of the most significant expenses.
  • Furniture and appliances: If you are not bringing furniture with you, you will need to purchase it.
  • Transport: Public transport in Dubai is quite developed, but many prefer taxis or personal cars.
  • Food: The cost of food depends on your preferences and lifestyle.


  • Tips for financial preparation:
  • Make a budget: List all your expenses and income to understand how much money you will need for comfortable living in Dubai.
  • Save for unforeseen expenses.
  • Open an account with a local bank: This will allow you to conveniently make payments and transfers.
  • Explore the real estate market before buying or renting housing and compare offers.
  • Learn about the labor market in advance and find a job.

Housing Choice

Dubai offers a variety of housing options to suit every taste and budget. Choosing between renting and buying a home in Dubai depends on your long-term plans and financial capabilities. Renting can offer more flexibility, especially if you are just starting your life in Dubai. Buying a home, in turn, can be a profitable investment and provide stability.

Major Real Estate will help in finding housing in any area of Dubai and will offer optimal options for both rent and purchase.

Step 2: How to move to Dubai for permanent residency

Before packing your suitcases, it is important to carefully study all the nuances of moving to the UAE for permanent residency.

Tips for choosing an international moving company.

  • Conduct thorough research to find reliable companies specializing in international transportation.
  • Read customer reviews on various platforms.
  • Make sure the company has the necessary licenses and accreditations for international transportation.
  • Request quotes from several companies to compare prices and services. Do not choose a company solely because of the low price, the quality of services is also important.
  • It is important that the transportation services include cargo insurance to protect your belongings in case of damage or loss.

Moving service packages: what's included and what to expect.

  • Comprehensive services should include everything from packing to delivering items to the new home, as well as assistance with customs clearance.
  • Check if companies provide packing materials and professional packing services.
  • If you need temporary storage of items during the move, find out if the company offers such a service.
  • Choose a company that provides support at all stages of the move, from start to final setup in the new place.

Packing items: what to take with you and what to leave behind.

  • Necessary documents: passports, birth certificates, and financial and medical documents.
  • Pack light and comfortable clothing, as well as personal hygiene items and essentials.
  • Electronics and personal items: laptops, phones, cameras, and other important gadgets. Make sure they are well packed and protected.
  • Refuse bulky furniture and appliances if it is not critically important. In many cases, it may be more advantageous to purchase these items on site.

Step 3: Arrival and Living for Russians and CIS Citizens in the UAE

For those wishing to move to Dubai for permanent residency, emigrate to the UAE, or simply explore immigration opportunities, it is important to familiarize themselves with key aspects.

Registration and obtaining documents:

First, you need to obtain a visa by applying at the UAE embassy or through a sponsor in the UAE (employer or family member).

After entering the country, you must undergo a medical examination and apply for a residence permit (Emirates ID).

Obtaining medical insurance:

Medical insurance is mandatory for all UAE residents. Usually, the employer provides insurance. In case of self-arrangement of insurance, it is necessary to contact one of the insurance companies accredited in the UAE.

To obtain a driver's license in the UAE, you need:

For conversion:

Contact the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).

Provide the necessary documents: a valid driver's license, passport, eye test results. Other documents (depending on your country).

Price: AED 405 - AED 800 (approximately €100 - €200).

Processing time: a few minutes.

To obtain a driver's license in Dubai as an immigrant, you need to pass exams: a theoretical part (a test on traffic rules) and a practical part (driving).

Price: AED 4,500 - AED 7,000 (approximately €1,100 - €1,800).

Adapting to a new space

Before moving to Dubai, it is important to carefully study the real estate market. Pay attention to areas that offer an optimal combination of price, quality of life, and access to basic amenities.

Moving to Dubai for permanent residency is not only an opportunity to immerse yourself in a world of new cultures and endless opportunities but also a task that requires careful organization of living space. Here are key tips on how to move to Dubai and create a comfortable and functional home, taking into account the climate and cultural characteristics of this unique city.

  • Make sure your home is equipped with an efficient air conditioning system. High temperatures require year-round cooling, so it is important to choose a home with good insulation and a modern air conditioning system.
  • Use blackout curtains or blinds to minimize the impact of direct sunlight. This will help keep the interior cool and reduce electricity costs.
  • When decorating your home, consider local traditions and cultural norms. For example, subdued colors and exquisite decorations can help create a harmonious space respectful of the cultural values of the UAE.
  • When choosing a place to live, familiarize yourself with the rules and customs of the community. Many areas in Dubai have their own norms regarding public spaces, noise, and even clothing.

Step 4: Life in Dubai from the Inside

Immigrating to the UAE and the opportunity to live in Dubai is an exciting event.

Following our tips on how to move to Dubai from Russia will definitely help you adapt to a new life and make friends.

Social adaptation

1. Integrating into the social environment:

There are many clubs and communities for Russian-speaking people in Dubai.

This is a great way to meet people who speak your language and get support. Join interest clubs, whether it's sports, art, or dance. This is a chance to meet people of different nationalities and expand your social circle. Another great way to meet people who share your values is by volunteering at animal shelters, orphanages, or other projects.

2. Language barrier:

Living in Dubai will be easier if you overcome the language barrier. English language courses will help you quickly adapt and start communicating. By the way, knowledge of Arabic is not mandatory, but welcomed. For quick interaction

use translation apps like Google Translate. They will help you communicate while you are learning the language.

Work and education

For those who have decided to move to Dubai from Russia, it is important to realize that the path to a successful life in the UAE largely depends on the right approach to job search and education. Websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, and will be reliable assistants in finding career opportunities. Do not hesitate to use the resources of recruitment agencies and do not forget about the significance of personal connections. Your resume should be neatly compiled in English, and preparation for the interview – thorough.

In the field of education, Dubai offers a wide range of international schools and world-class universities, including Russian schools for those who want to maintain a connection with their native culture.

Here are some of the most popular schools:

  1. School No. 1 named after M.V. Lomonosov (Dubai)
  2. International Russian School (Dubai)
  3. Russian Gymnasium in Dubai
  4. School "Erudit" (Abu Dhabi)
  5. School "Consent" (Sharjah).

In addition to Russian schools, there are many international schools in the UAE offering education in Russian.

Here are some of them:

  1. Dubai International School (DIS)
  2. Jumeirah English Speaking School (JESS)
  3. American School of Dubai (ASD)

Remember, moving to Dubai is not just a change of residence, but also an opportunity for growth and development. Be ready for new challenges and do not be afraid to explore the diversity of opportunities that life in the UAE opens up for you.

Conclusion on immigration to the UAE for permanent residency

How to successfully move and adapt in Dubai? It is necessary to carefully study the visa policy and current requirements for obtaining the "Green" and "Golden" visas, choose the optimal way to obtain residency through investments in real estate, establishing your own business, or employment. It is also important to plan financial aspects of the move in advance, including the cost of living, rent, and educational services, adapt to local cultural and social peculiarities, actively study English for communication and professional growth.

Major Real Estate closely monitors all changes in the UAE immigration policy. Our expert blog is systematically updated with relevant information. We strive to timely inform our readers about innovations and provide support at every stage of planning a move to Dubai from Russia, simplifying the immigration process to Dubai and ensuring successful adaptation in a new place.

We are here to help you make your move to Dubai as smooth and comfortable as possible. Trust our experience and professionalism, and let's take the first steps towards your new life in Dubai together.

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