Pros and Cons of Living in Dubai

Pros and Cons of Living in Dubai

Living in the UAE is a unique experience that offers a modern and dynamic lifestyle in one of the most prosperous countries on the planet. Today, Dubai is a city located on the Persian Gulf coastline, with stunning architecture, economic opportunities and an exciting lifestyle. Thanks to the right government policies, Dubai attracts people from all over the world and provides a luxurious life to its citizens. And yet, let's try to understand not only the pros, but also the disadvantages of living in Dubai.


Dubai has many advantages. They may differ depending on the purpose for which you are moving to the UAE, but the main advantages are the same for entrepreneurs, employees, luxury real estate hunters - in general, for all categories of expats.

1. Economic growth and job opportunities

Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. There are numerous work and business opportunities in a variety of industries, including finance, tourism, real estate and trade. Let us note that talented artists, analysts, cool IT specialists and designers are always welcome in Dubai.

2. High standard of living

Dubai offers a high level of comfort and quality of life. The city is known for its luxury hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, sports and entertainment facilities.

3. Tax benefits

One of the main advantages of living in Dubai is the absence of personal income tax and profit tax for most business sectors. This makes the city attractive for entrepreneurs and workers.

4. International character

Dubai is a culturally diverse city that attracts people from all over the world. You will be able to meet people of different nationalities and enjoy a variety of cultural events and cuisine. This country is generally neutral in international conflicts, so nothing has changed for Russians over the past year in terms of obtaining a residence permit. Here everyone is treated friendly, and you can get a fine for insulting someone based on their ethnicity. Local residents also love children very much - they treat kids like princes and princesses.

5. Ease of obtaining a resident visa

The United Arab Emirates has introduced a residence visa and investor visas, which provide the opportunity for businessmen who have opened a company in the UAE, employees of Dubai companies and owners of expensive real estate to live in Dubai for 2 or 3 years. Entrepreneurs and property owners can apply for a visa on their own for more than 1 million dirhams. For hired workers, the document is drawn up by the management of the company in which they are going to work. Resident and investor visas do not require the presentation of any special papers and are issued in a couple of weeks.

6. Security

Dubai is known for its high level of security. The city has strict compliance with laws, low crime and a system of proper protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The city is patrolled by many police officers, so you can walk at any time of the day.

7. Excellent infrastructure

There is a lot to do in this city. You can visit public well-kept beaches, walk in parks, sightsee, frolic in entertainment centers, go to cinema and theater premieres, play sports, visit shopping centers and beauty salons absolutely free of charge. There are a great variety of bars, restaurants and nightclubs here. The establishments are distinguished by a variety of delicious cuisine, a pleasant atmosphere, and interesting programs. Many restaurants and bars attract customers with live music and themed parties. In general, there is no time to be bored here.

8. Affordable prices for goods and services

Dubai is a godsend for lovers of shopping tours. Here you can find many things and services at low prices: clothes, furs, leather goods, cars, taxi services, maids and nannies, computers and household appliances. Residents claim that food can be found in abundance both in shops and markets, which is great for home cooking lovers. Car owners will be delighted with the cost of fuel, which is much cheaper here than in Russia.

9. Well-developed public transport.

Despite the fact that the United Arab Emirates is rapidly developing in all areas, public transport in most emirates is still not established. Dubai is the only city in the UAE that can boast a metro system and developed ground transportation. You will be pleasantly surprised by the comfortable carriages and cleanliness of the metro. The fare depends on the distance, but in general it will cost no more than $2. Many new buses run along the city streets, which are also used by local residents. The bus routes are well thought out, and the stops are equipped with air conditioning.

10. No need to learn complicated Arabic

Luckily for expats, you can live and work in Dubai with good knowledge of English. Without exception, all local residents speak English. Documentation, road signs, cafe menus and much more are often bilingual. True, for a comfortable stay you will still have to improve your knowledge of English (both oral and written) to a high level. In private kindergartens, children will be able to learn not only English, but also Arabic, since it is compulsory, and there are no exams in it.

11. Advantageous location

Dubai is located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia and Africa, so it will not be difficult for expats from different countries to visit relatives or travel during a well-deserved vacation. Dubai has two international airports that receive and send aircraft to all world capitals.


Despite the high standard of living, living in Dubai also has some disadvantages.

1. Hot climate

Dubai is located in a desert area and is known for its hot climate. In summer, temperatures reach 45–50 degrees Celsius, which not everyone likes. But modern indoor air conditioning is common, and many residents cool down in restaurants, grocery stores or shopping centers on hot days. The rest of the year the temperature does not rise above +25°C. Thanks to such a warm climate, even in winter you can fully enjoy the sea air. It should be noted that there is a high level of dust in the air; this can cause breathing problems if you are sensitive to allergens.

2. Exotic traditions and legislation

In Dubai they live according to Sharia law, which provides for the death penalty for serious (according to Muslim beliefs) crimes. The fact that you are a foreigner does not give you the right to violate local laws and ignorance of them will not exempt you from responsibility.

Prohibitions that you should know:

— It is forbidden to swear and show rude gestures.< /p>

— You cannot wear a bathing suit in public places. The exception is beaches.

— You can get a prison sentence for publicly displaying tender feelings for your partner (kisses and hugs).

— Filming local residents is prohibited if they have not given their consent, as well as communicating with local women and photographing them.

— Homosexual relations are prohibited in the country at the legislative level.

— Gambling is prohibited.

— Alcoholic drinks Can only be consumed in bars, restaurants or hotels. Transporting alcohol from one Emirate to another is prohibited. It is also forbidden to offer alcoholic beverages to local residents.

— During Ramadan (the month of Muslim fasting in the spring), they are required not to take food and drinks on the street, and many establishments are completely closed. The Emiratis do not impose their traditions on expats, but demand respect for them.

3. Traffic and communications

Dubai suffers from heavy traffic, especially during peak hours. Even those who use public transport suffer from traffic jams. In addition, most drivers in Dubai are not too sensitive to traffic rules. Excessive speed, changing lanes or turning without an appropriate signal, transporting children in the driver's arms and other violations are not uncommon here. Also, despite the developed infrastructure, communications and Internet connections may be unstable in some areas.

4. Noise

Dubai cannot be called a calm and quiet city with a peaceful atmosphere. There is a high noise level here. Its main sources:

— never-ending construction sites;

— the call to prayer sounded from mosques five times a day;

— many travelers during the high tourist season who like to walk until the morning;

—endless streams of cars.

5. Inability to obtain citizenship

The validity of a resident visa is 2 or 3 years. Afterwards, you can extend it if there are reasons for this (you own expensive real estate, a business, or are employed). The UAE is a closed country, and even long-term residence in Dubai will not allow you to become a citizen. Even children of expats born here do not become Emirati citizens.

6. High living costs

Living in Dubai can be expensive. Real estate, rental housing, education and healthcare often cost a pretty penny here. Medicine in Dubai is at the highest level, but only UAE citizens can use it for free. Persons who do not have resident status have access to paid insurance, which will cover the costs of visiting key specialists and the most popular medical services. The cost of studying at Arab universities is more affordable than at international universities, in addition, studying at the latter is on average more expensive than in other countries.

I would like to say that the advantages of living in Dubai clearly outweigh its disadvantages. You can see this for yourself if you choose to live in this active and developed region of the United Arab Emirates.

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