How to Check the Completion Percentage of a Real Estate Project in Dubai?

How to Check the Completion Percentage of a Real Estate Project in Dubai?

In a world of dynamic real estate, Dubai stands out as a city that offers not only luxury properties, but also extensive opportunities for investors and future home owners. However, investing in real estate projects the construction stage may involve certain risks and uncertainties, especially when it comes to meeting deadlines. How can you make sure that your future home or investment project is progressing according to plan? How to check the completion rate of a real estate project in Dubai and ensure the safety of your investment choice? In this article, we will look at a tool that will help you stay informed about all stages of construction and ensure that your investment is safe.

So, if you are interested in the real status of completion of construction before purchasing real estate property, this can be done through the application from Dubai REST (the official application from the Dubai Land Department) in the Project Status (Mashrooi) section.  ;

In this section you can find a project by its name and subscribe to updates. This will help you keep abreast of all new data about the facility that appears after scheduled inspections, as well as its completion. 

Project statuses:

  • active - projects under construction indicating its percentage of completion;
  • finished - completed projects.

The following information is also available in this application:

  • project start date;
  • project number;
  • expected completion date of construction of the facility;
  • total area of the facility ;
  • number of apartments;
  • number of floors;
  • project fund number;
  • excrow fund;
  • location of the project;
  • photos from the scheduled inspection report;
  • current completion of the project and completion at the time of previous inspections;
  • scheduled date of the next inspection.

In conclusion, we will say that checking the percentage of completion of the project is not just a step towards ensuring your financial security, but also a tool that allows you to maintain stability and confidence in the real estate market as a whole. By using an accessible tool, investors and future home owners can not only protect their investments, but also help create a more transparent, responsible and sustainable Dubai real estate environment. Ultimately, an educated and knowledgeable investor means a healthy and prosperous market, and therefore a prosperous and prosperous society.

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